Harry Potter Stats

Hedwig [14]

Pages Name Active
Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone (B)
Diagon Alley (BC5)
81-81 Hagrid Purchases Hedwig for Harry
85-87 Harry and Hagrid Finish Shoping and Say Goodbye
The Journey from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters (BC6)
88-90 Harry Prepares for His Departure to Hogwarts
90-91 The Dursleys Drop Harry Off at King's Cross Station
94-95 Harry Struggles with His Trunk and Receives Help from Fred and George
The Potions Master (BC8)
135-136 Harry and Ron Have Breakfast and Are Invited to Visit Hagrid Later That Day
Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback (BC14)
234-234 Hagrid Writes to the Trio that the Dragon is hatching
236-238 Charlie Weasley Agrees to Take Norbert
Through the Trapdoor (BC16)
275-276 The Trio Get Past Fluffy
284-286 Hermione Solves Snape's Logic Puzzle
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (B)
The Worst Birthday (BC1)
1-2 Vernon Dursley Yells About Hedwig's Noise
3-4 Harry Reflects on His Miserable Summer with the Dursleys
7-8 Harry Sits Outside on His Birthday, Feeling Isolated
Dobby's Warning (BC2)
12-13 Dobby Introduces Himself to Harry Potter