Harry Potter Stats

Broomsticks [10]

Pages Name Active
Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone (B)
The Midnight Duel (BC9)
145-147 The First Flying Lesson Ends in an Accident
147-148 Harry Confronts Draco Malfoy Over the Remembrall
148-149 Harry's First Flight and Catching the Remembrall
150-152 Harry Is Introduced to Oliver Wood and Offered a Spot on the Quidditch Team
Hallowe'en (BC10)
167-169 Wood’s Introduction to the Quidditch Field and Rules
Nicolas Flamel (BC13)
225-226 Harry Follows Snape and Overhears Him Threatening Quirrell
Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback (BC14)
240-241 Malfoy Caught Sneaking Around
Through the Trapdoor (BC16)
279-281 The Trio Catches the Flying Key
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (B)
The Worst Birthday (BC1)
3-4 Harry Reflects on His Miserable Summer with the Dursleys
7-8 Harry Sits Outside on His Birthday, Feeling Isolated