Harry Potter Stats

Potions Class [11]

Pages Name Active
Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone (B)
The Sorting Hat (BC7)
126-126 Harry Looks Past Quirrell to Snape and His Scar Hurts
The Potions Master (BC8)
135-136 Harry and Ron Have Breakfast and Are Invited to Visit Hagrid Later That Day
136-138 Severus Snape Begins His Potions Class with a Focus on Harry
138-140 Neville Longbottom's Cauldron Explodes in Potions Class
The Midnight Duel (BC9)
143-145 Harry Learns About the Upcoming Flying Lessons
The Mirror of Erised (BC12)
194-195 Christmas Approaches as Snow Falls at Hogwarts
Nicolas Flamel (BC13)
220-222 Harry is Stressed Out About the Philosophers Stone and Snape Refereeing Quiditch
The Forbidden Forest (BC15)
258-259 Firenze Warns Harry About the Sorcerer's Stone
Through the Trapdoor (BC16)
262-263 Harry Struggles Through Exams While Worrying About Lord Voldemort
The Man with Two Faces (BC17)
307-309 Harry Returns Home to the Dursleys, Looking Forward to Summer with Friends
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (B)
The Worst Birthday (BC1)
3-4 Harry Reflects on His Miserable Summer with the Dursleys